01264 338110

Turnkey Solutions for Production and Broadcast

With over 90 years experience in broadcasting and professional audio, the Baudion team of broadcast engineers and can help you plan, update or design a complete studio installation, audio contribution or STL distribution network for FM or for DAB. Pioneering the use of affordable IP connectivity for reliable broadcast grade performance, our long experience in this field allows us to offer innovative, flexible and fully supported networking solutions at an attractive price.

Additionally, using the flexibility of the Wheatstone WheatNet audio solution, Aqua Broadcast transmitters and our extensive outboard and communications products, we can provide a complete solution all the way from Microphone to Transmitter.

Contact Us
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T: 01264 338110
Office Hours
Monday – Thursday 08:30 – 16:30
Friday 08:30 – 14.00
Baudion Ltd
6 Pelican House
83 New Street
Andover, Hants
SP10 1DR